Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Urs/Mela Bilot Sharif

 The Urs of Shah Isa (RA) is permanently celebrated with great religious and cultural zeal in the month of  Chayth (Bakrami calender) every year at Bilot Sharif near Dera Ismail Khan(Pakistan). Hazrat Shah Isa (RA) is a famous saint of the area and a descendant of the tree of the great religious saint Hazrat Surkh Bukhari of Uch sharif a famous Khalifa(disciple) of Hazrat Ghus Bahauddin Zikria(RA). The first, second and third Sundays are the notable days of the Urs and also of the festival(Maila), but the second Sunday has its sole importance for the followers. People from all walks of life come and enjoy all the events of the Urs. Among others,Tent pegging , horse race, dog race, Circus and different food items are the notable and worth mentioning  activities of the Urs. The most important event is JATTER. It is  played at the tomb of Shah Isa (RA) in closed doors by those male and female who are supposed to be under the influence of some ghost.Once I visited the spot and listened a conversation between a person (who was under the influence of some ghost) and the concerned MALANG(deputed for the purpose to release him from the ghost's influence). The person told by representing the ghost" he has made water on my off shots". "Release him", MALANG ordered by polling him from hairs, but was refused. After repeated efforts the ghost (in the voice of the person under the influence) promised to release him on the assurances that next year he will must visit the shrine.
                                          view of tent pegging. courtcey matiullah

view of traditional Doda/Aynda. courtecy matiullah
The word Bilot has also a unique history. Its origin can be traced some where during 7th or 8th centuries.It is said that there were two Rajas, one Bil and the other Til, who were representing virtue and vice respectively. The antiquaity of the site Bilot can be seen at the hillok from the road passes through the area.